Consultation Services

Quick Analysis Feng Shui - $300
If you want a quick analysis on a specific life area, this is the ideal option for you. Clients can expect a rapid-fire analysis of the most critical issues impacting your life in the areas of money, career and relationships. This is a one-hour consultation that will be chock full of your home or office’s specific needs. While this is a quick fix type of consultation, it is recommended that clients follow-up with a more thorough analysis at a future date. This is an ideal option for those in apartments or on a limited budget.

Customize Your Home with a Personalized Consultation 
Starts at $300/hour
This popular service option is performed in-person. Clients can expect an analysis that will resonate with their intuitive and gut feelings about their life and living space. A thorough analysis of the inside and outside of their property taking into account the shape of the lot, the impact of the shape of the house, the rooms and property along with specific solutions, cures and color schemes to balance and enhance every area of the home are guaranteed. Best and worst directions will be provided for each person living or working on the property along with the ideal placement of all furniture and room use as well as proper color, shape and element use based on the  creative and destructive cycles. 

De-Clutter & Organize Your Home with Feng Shui - Starts at $150/hour
Many times, clutter is a lot like excess weight, it offers a sense of protection from the world or some aspect of life. Other times, it has more of an emotional source that has led to depression, anxiety and a sense of hopelessness. When this occurs, it can be a challenge to break free, even with the best of intentions. An abundance of clutter can feel overwhelming, mentally debilitating and create stagnant energy. When using Feng Shui to de-clutter an entire home or a singe space within the home, an analysis of the life areas that are at the source will be noticeable and shared with the client. If you or someone you know suffers from depression, or are feeling stuck in life because of too much stuff, this is a very life-changing Feng Shui offering.

Stage Your Home for a Quick & Profitable Sale - Starts at $200/hour
When clients are ready to move from one home to another, there are certain Feng Shui specific solutions that will make this transition quick and seamless. This works best in a home that already has some furniture, so that it can be made to work toward the ultimate goal of selling the home at the desired price and in a timely manner. This also includes specific cures for clearing the space after an open house or a lot of realtor showings. If specific items are needed to create balance, they will be provided on loan or for an additional fee.

Find Your Perfect Home - Starts at $250/hour
A home is one of the single most expensive purchases that we typically make and choosing to Feng Shui your home BEFORE signing on the dotted line can save you thousands. When people are drawn to one home versus another it is because they are responding subconsciously to the energy that it is projecting. Knowing the difference between a money bag design and dustpan shape can mean the difference between accumulating abundance or watching it rush away. While many Feng Shui problems can be adjusted after the fact, it is much more desirable to choose a home with powerful and positive Feng Shui from the beginning.  Clients will dealing choose their top three favorite homes and we will tour them quickly. 

Remote Consultation - $750 for a 3-hour consultation 
Clients living outside of Colorado can still have a personalized and deeply intuitive Feng Shui consultation by choosing a remote consultation. This type of consultation begins with a checklist of specific photo & video guidelines. Clients will need to provide a platt or survey outline of the land around their home as well as a floor plan or blueprint of their home in order for this to be accurate and completely thorough. The first hour of this consultation happens off camera. Afterwards, we will schedule a zoom meeting and will go through all of the findings and recommendations. A link of the zoom recording will be provided allowing for a deep dive, and an opportunity to take notes and ask follow-up questions as needed.

Interior Space Clearing, Sealing the Doors & Exterior Blessing Ceremony
Starts at $300/hour
These three space clearing & blessing ceremonies should be done during the same session in order to ensure that the inside is cleared of predecessor energy and that the outside has been cleared of hungry ghosts and any historical trauma on the land. When a home or business has experienced a death, rape, or any type of abuse, the inhabitants can feel and experience this energy in a number of ways including depression, anxiety and health issues. An Exterior Blessing Ceremony is a major adjustment which encourages growth, luck and prosperity. It can correct the effects of an inauspicious site, such as a home or business located on a burial ground as well as bad luck or when under spiritual attack.